Saturday, October 7, 2017

Just a Man and His Fans

Hard to believe it’s been twelve years since this album's release and, according to his website, Jackson Browne is still touring after half a century of making music. I’m a JB fan though I’ve always been frustrated by his studio albums as I haven’t found one where I like the majority of the songs, and his greatest hits compilations are just too hit-heavy and overpowering. This live collection of songs does a good job of showcasing Browne’s singer-songwriter talents- alternating between guitar and piano- and his storytelling and banter with the audience between songs is endearing and doesn’t feel scripted or forced. The fans yell out the tunes they want to hear and Jackson rewards them, but he also slips in some of his own favorites.

Solo Acoustic Vol. 1 is nice, laid back background music- a special treat for long time fans- and if you take the time to listen to the words, well, that’s just a bonus. The man can definitely paint pictures and create feelings with his words and music- that’s what he gets paid to do. Not every Jackson Browne song touches me but when it does it’s simply magical. And that’s probably what keeps the people showing up. Grade: B+

Listen to songs from the album on Spotify...

... or check out the playlist on YouTube

(To open music in separate window, click title bar at top of video box)

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