Monday, August 13, 2018

The Other Davy Jones – Part 3

For me David Bowie helped make it okay to be weird. He celebrated the freaks, the oddballs, and the rebels but for Bowie it wasn’t enough to just be weird and different: you had to do something with it. Bowie produced lesser known artists he admired (the Stooges, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed) and collaborated with other rock icons (Queen, Mick Jagger, John Lennon) and while much of Bowie’s own late period work doesn’t really excite me I still find myself respecting it since Bowie not only helped pave the way for original expression and intelligent thought in popular music but perhaps I just haven’t caught up to what he was doing yet, and even if it’s bad- so what? At least he wasn’t afraid to try something different.

When I heard Bowie was dead I felt the same way you feel when anyone who has touched your life dies and the world now feels a little emptier without his physical presence in it. Bowie was an icon because he was a fearless explorer and the world of art and music needs more people like him- yet sadly we seem to be in short supply. Like most of us there were times in his life when Bowie followed dark roads that went nowhere, made some mistakes, and had plenty of regrets but he seemed sincere in his search for truth and God and in the belief that real love is the only thing worthwhile. How many of today’s artists can say that- or say anything meaningful at all? Here are some more of my favorite Bowie songs. Enjoy!

01. David Bowie –  “I’m Not Losing Sleep” (1966)
02. David Bowie – “Moonage Daydream” (1972)
03. David Bowie – “Starman” (1972)
04. David Bowie and Mick Jagger – “Dancing in the Street” (1985)
05. David Bowie – “Days” (2003)
06. David Bowie – “When I Live My Dream” (1967)
07. David Bowie – “Hang On to Yourself” (1972)
08. David Bowie – “Andy Warhol” (1971)
09. David Bowie – “Rebel Rebel” (1974)
10. David Bowie – “Sorrow” (1973)

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