Thursday, November 22, 2018

Alejandro Who? – Part 3

In addition to his distinctive singing voice, I like Alejandro Escovedo’s style. In this age of hipster wannabes in t-shirts and blue jeans, Escovedo still dresses like a rock star- including the trademark sunglasses- and this only adds to his coolness and mystique. He’s a musician’s musician and in recent years Peter Buck from R.E.M. has been playing in AE’s band- something the 61-year old Buck doesn’t have to be doing unless he really wants to. People want authenticity- and AE has it.

I’ve never been to an Alejandro Escovedo concert but I’m guessing the guy puts on a great show and strives to give folks their money’s worth. I don’t know much about Escovedo’s personal life- and I don’t want to know. Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, the Rolling Stones- we love these artists for their music and not for what they do in their spare time. In a world where rock stars seem to be fading by the day, Escovedo is an endangered species and perhaps that’s why he garners so much praise and respect from musicians and critics alike. As Alejandro Escovedo’s music goes, so goes the state of late 20th century folk, rock, country, and even alternative music. Here are some more of my favorite AE songs. Enjoy- and Happy Thanksgiving! 

01. Alejandro Escovedo – “Man of the World” (2012)
02. Alejandro Escovedo – “Sister Lost Soul” (2008)
03. Alejandro Escovedo – “This Bed Is Getting Crowded” (2010)
04. Alejandro Escovedo – “Farewell to the Good Times” (2016)
05. Alejandro Escovedo – “Sway (Live)” (1996)
06. Alejandro Escovedo – “After the Meteor Showers” (2010)
07. Alejandro Escovedo – “Castanets” (2001)
08. Alejandro Escovedo – “Anchor” (2010)
09. Alejandro Escovedo – “Tired Skin” (1992)
10. Whiskeytown feat. Alejandro Escovedo – “Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart Tonight” (1997)

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