Thursday, July 2, 2020

What’s the Alternative? III – Part 2

John 15:16-17: “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: love one another.”

Stephen Malkmus

The first (only?) openly gay ‘90s pop punk band, Pansy Division, sang, “Is this my community? Sometimes I want immunity” and that’s how I feel about being labeled and getting lumped in with Generation X (although I suppose it’s better then being a Millennial- people really seem to despise those kids.) I fear in the wide lens of history my generation will simply be remembered for grunge and maybe Obamacare. It really has all gone by in the blink of an eye. And I still don't understand the Cloud.

The Divine Comedy

But it’s not too late for my generation to grab for the brass ring and save the day. Though at times I may feel alone and disconnected, we are all going through the same thing and I can draw strength from my Gen X brothers and sisters to push forward and, in the immortal words of the ‘90s indie/alternative band, Jawbreaker, “If you can save yourself, you can save us all.” Here are some more of my favorite odd and uncompromising sounds from the (mostly) Gen X world of indie/alternative music. Enjoy! Help!


01. Scott Walker – “30 Century Man” (1969)
02. They Might Be Giants – “Haunted Floating Eye” (2007)
03. Stephen Malkmus – “Shiggy” (2018)
04. Stephen Malkmus – “Jenny & the Ess Dog” (2001)
05. Superchunk – “Cruel Summer” (2012)
06. Liz Phair – “Why Can’t I?” (2003)
07. Superchunk – “FOH” (2013)
08. Superchunk – “Learned to Surf” (2010)
09. Evan Dando – “Rudy with a Flashlight” (1997)
10. R.E.M. – “Texarkana” (1991)
11. The Divine Comedy – “Generation Sex” (1998)
12. Superchunk – “Digging for Something” (2010)

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