Friday, July 6, 2018

Browne’s Blues – Part 2

My first exposure to Jackson Browne’s music was in the late ‘80s when I borrowed my dad’s cassette tape copy of Lives in the Balance. At that time I was listening to whatever music I could find and while the overall ‘80s production of Lives in the Balance may not have aged well the songs inspired me and I really dug Browne’s simple and direct social and political messages. We were living in the depths of the Reagan era- when most commercial artists were singing about nothing- but Jackson Browne was trying to make his voice count for something real and even as a kid I respected that.

Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Browne, and 
Tom Petty at No Nukes concert 1979

Besides being known as one of the genuinely nice guys in rock music, for decades Browne has also been a political activist and like many ‘60s artists he’s not shy about speaking out on issues important to him. Whether it’s protesting nuclear power, gun violence, or corporate greed, Browne remains an active citizen and seems always happy to lend his voice to the fight- even if doing so might cost him some fans or endorsement deals. Whether it’s his birth in Germany, wild youth in L.A., romance with Nico, ‘70s collaborations with Warren Zevon, left wing politics, or sense of humor, there’s always more to discover about Jackson Browne and his music. Here are some more of my favorites. Enjoy!

Browne arrested outside Diablo nuclear power plant 1981

01. Jackson Browne – “You Know the Night” (2014)
02. Jackson Browne – “Doctor My Eyes” (1972)
03. Jackson Browne – “In the Shape of a Heart” (1986)
04. Jackson Browne – “Lives in the Balance” (1986)
05. Jackson Browne – “Lawyers in Love” (1983)
06. Jackson Browne – “Barricades of Heaven (Live)” (2004)
07. Jackson Browne – “The Long Way Around” (2014)
08. Jackson Browne – “These Days (Live)” (2004)
09. Jackson Browne – “For a Dancer (Live)” (2004)
10. Jackson Browne – “Everywhere I Go” (1993)

Jackson Browne and Dawes at Occupy Wall Street 2011

Listen to the playlist on Spotify...

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