Saturday, May 6, 2017

Girl Groups!

The ‘60s girl group music phenomenon is not hard to fathom: the burgeoning youth market was hungry for sentimental love songs- told from the girl’s perspective- so the music industry sold the kids what they asked for. I think the best of the girl group tunes sound best when heard blasting from speakers at a summer block party though most of us born after the ‘60s probably first heard these songs on oldies radio stations or in movies. Perhaps each new generation of music fans eventually discovers these classic songs and wonders- who the hell made this music? 

Phil Spector and the Ronettes

Obviously the now infamous Phil Spector played a huge role in the development of this short-lived musical genre. Spector had an ear for what young people wanted to hear and- more importantly- what they wanted to feel. Many of the most popular girl group songs are far from simple but were meticulously crafted by top-notch studio musicians and expert songwriters and producers. When you’re in the right mood there is nothing like that ‘60s girl group sound to lift your spirits, make you remember your first crush, or help you get over that jerk who broke your heart. So gather your friends for a slumber party, grab some hairbrushes for microphones, and enjoy some of my favorite girl group songs!

The Shangri-Las

01. The Crystals – “Then He Kissed Me” (1963)
02. Dusty Springfield – “Stay Awhile” (1964)
03. The Crystals – “He Hit Me (And It Fell Like a Kiss)” (1962)
04. The Cookies – “I Never Dreamed” (1964)
05. The Shangri-Las – “Give Him a Great Big Kiss” (1964)
06. The Crystals – “He’s Sure the Boy I Love” (1962)
07. The Ronettes – “Be My Baby”(1963)
08. The Shangri-Las – “Out in the Streets” (1965)

Listen to the playlist on Spotify...  

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