Monday, April 24, 2017

Teenage Acne Treatment

Never Mind the Bollocks should be every teenage boy’s favorite record: pimple-faced outcasts led by singer Johnny Rotten playing dangerous, anti-establishment, chaotic music. What could be better? This album excited me when I first heard it at the tender age of twelve or thirteen- it tapped my anger but also made me laugh. This was teenage bliss! Instead of doing my homework I went to the library to research the Pistols. I considered myself to be a good, patriotic American teenager and the U.K.'s Sex Pistols were my heroes. Their posters hung on me bedroom wall and Never Mind the Bollocks made my life more enjoyable.  

To me the album celebrated individual expression and the songs were better than most of what passed for music in 1987. “God Save the Queen” still knocks my socks off and Steve Jones’ guitar playing is so damn fun. This is good stuff- especially if you're a weird teenager with acne and a curfew. Despite the stupid media circus surrounding them, the Sex Pistols made a thrilling, original sounding record- their only record- and then broke up before inspiring a generation. Now that’s what I call punk! Cheers. Grade: A 

Poster which hung on my bedroom wall circa 1987

Listen to songs from the album on Spotify...

Recommended Links:

Classic Albums: Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols

Punk: Attitude

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