Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Punk Faves

Despite its public image, punk was less about politics, anger, and rebellion and more about pizza, comic books, and horror movies: it was supposed to be fun. Even if one didn’t have a sense of humor about punk, all it took was one visit to a punk rock show to see how accepting, fun-loving and non-threatening the punk bands and their fans were (hardcore shows were another story).

Dead Boys

Whenever I saw my punk heroes in person at their gigs I was usually struck by just how short, harmless, and geeky they appeared (except for the freakishly tall Joey Ramone). Sure, the album covers and band photos may have looked tough- and even scary- but to me punk was always about having a good time, celebrating non-conformity, and dancing with the other freaks. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!

The Damned

01. The Saints – “(I’m) Stranded” (1976)
02. The Dead Milkmen – “Punk Rock Girl” (1988)
03. The Vibrators – “Whips & Furs” (1977)
04. The Adverts – “Gary Gilmore’s Eyes” (1977)
05. Lords of the New Church – “Dance with Me” (1983)
06. The Damned – “New Rose” (1976)
07. Dead Boys – “Tell Me” (1978)
08. Ramones – “Poison Heart” (1992)

Listen to the playlist on Spotify... 

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