Thursday, December 7, 2017

The World of Scott Walker

Like others I first became aware of Scott Walker’s music through the film The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and I was intrigued (“Shame you won't be there to see me shaking hands with Charles de Gaulle”). I wish I could say there is a lot more to dig from Walker’s large body of work (he spent most of his singing career as a solo artist) and perhaps the most positive thing I can say about the guy is at least he was a '60s performer unlike anyone else. An American by birth (born Scott Engel in Ohio), Walker seems to have a lot of personal demons and prefers to live in England (who hasn’t, who doesn’t?) and if you’re interested in learning more about the man then I recommend you check out the documentary Scott Walker: 30 Century Man.

No stranger to melancholy and despair, Walker seems to be an existentialist- and a Francophile- and I like him for it. For me, the world of Scott Walker’s music is a place of childhood imagination, Gothic cathedrals, cobblestone streets, and European romance and adventure (and fits my mood on this cold December day). The best of his work offers an original experience, to be sure, and, really, how many other recording artists can offer you as much? I’ve never actually made it through an entire Scott Walker album from beginning to end- few have- but here are some of my favorite moments. Enjoy!

01. Scott Walker – “On Your Own Again” (1969)
02. Scott Walker – “Black Sheep Boy” (1968)
03. Scott Walker – “Jackie” (1968)
04. Scott Walker – “Montague Terrace (In Blue)” (1967)
05. Scott Walker – “We Came Through” (1969)
06. Scott Walker – “Duchess” (1969)
07. Scott Walker – “Boy Child” (1969)
08. The Walker Brothers – “Stay with Me Baby” (1967)
09. Scott Walker – “Mathilde” (1967)
10. Scott Walker – “30 Century Man” (1969)

Listen to the playlist on Spotify...

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