Friday, May 11, 2018

Byrds of a Feather II – Part 4

John F. Kennedy’s murder in 1963 seems to have really pissed off David Crosby who (while still with the Byrds) would rail on stage against the Warren Commission and spout conspiracy theories- much to his bandmates’ chagrin. I saw Crosby perform live with Stills & Nash some years ago and the Cros was still a spitfire on stage only now he was throwing insults at George W. Bush and making the audience laugh. Say what you want about David Crosby but the guy is fun to listen to- and still has that ‘60s rebel spirit.

Gene Clark died of alcoholism, Roger McGuinn became a Christian Republican, but the spirit of the Byrds- the spirit of the ‘60s- lives on though it is in danger of disappearing. Where are the innovative bands of today? Who are today’s Byrds? Why aren’t there more people making and listening to mind blowing music today? I mean can you imagine walking into a garden party circa 1966 and hearing “Captain Soul” playing? It would blow your mind. Where is the political action, the protests, and the youth rebellion of 2018? I guess we’re all too busy in our own private universes to want to change the world.

I hope you have enjoyed Byrds week and that the Byrds’ (birds’) spirit of peace, love, and exploration serve to enrich your life and inspire you to do good things and spread good vibes. By the way, not only does tomorrow mark World Migratory Bird Day but 2018 is the Year of the Bird. Here are some more of my favorite Byrds songs. Enjoy!

01. The Byrds – “He Was a Friend of Mine” (1965)
02. The Byrds – “Renaissance Fair” (1967)
03. The Byrds – “Mr. Spaceman” (1966)
04. The Byrds – “What’s Happening” (1966)
05. The Byrds – “John Riley” (1966)
06. The Byrds – “Here Without You” (1965)
07. The Byrds – “Captain Soul” (1966)
08. The Byrds – “The Bells of Rhymney” (1965)
09. The Byrds – “It’s No Use” (1965)
10. The Byrds – “I Knew I’d Want You” (1965)

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