Sunday, May 27, 2018

Gateway Album

When I was around 13 years old my friends and I would take the bus to Smith Haven Mall where we would walk around spending our pocket money on useless items. On one such mall trip I purchased the Doors’ 13 (on cassette tape) and the album became my enchanted (or bewitched) gateway to adult rock music. At the time I was feeling ready to move on from the Monkees and 13 had “Light My Fire” which even in 1987 was still a hugely popular song. I didn’t know it then but 13 was the Doors’ first greatest hits package (released in 1970- just before L.A. Woman; I thought 13 was just a kick-ass studio album) and although it’s been out of print for years, 13 remains not only a flawless compilation but the perfect Doors album- especially for beginners. Grade: A

Listen to the album on Spotify...

... or check out the album on YouTube

(To open music in separate window, click title bar at top of video box)

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