Thursday, May 3, 2018

Turtle Week – Part 2

Like most Americans I grew up listening to the Turtles’ “Happy Together” on the radio but it wasn’t until decades later- when I began researching and digging deeper into oldies music- that I discovered the rich, wonderful world of the Turtles’ music. The band’s feel-good Beatles-Beach Boys-Byrds sound seemed somehow fresh to my 21st century ears and their eclectic songs felt warm, positive, and fun-loving- just like how I imagined the Turtles’ sunny homeland of Southern California.

The Turtles rode the music charts at a time when average looking artists could still get by on their talent (lucky for them). Though they were capable of writing their own material, the Turtles also tapped groovy songwriters like Bob Dylan, Warren Zevon, Roger McGuinnGene Clark, Gerry Goffin, and Carole King. No matter the song, the Turtles had a knack for making it their own and when I listen to their music I am instantly teleported back in time to a ‘60s Malibu beach party or a Laurel Canyon hootenanny- and that’s what probably keeps me coming back for more. Here are some more of my favorites. Enjoy!

01. The Turtles – “John & Julie” (1969)
02. The Turtles – “Like It or Not” (1969)
03. The Turtles – “She’s My Girl” (1968)
04. The Turtles – “You Baby” (1966)
05. The Turtles – “Outside Chance” (1966)
06. The Turtles – “Happy Together” (1967)
07. The Turtles – “If We Only Had the Time” (1969)
08. The Turtles – “Wanderin’ Kind” (1965)
09. The Turtles – “Think I’ll Run Away” (1967)
10. The Turtles – “She’d Rather Be with Me” (1967)

Listen to the playlist on Spotify...

... or check out the playlist on YouTube

(To open music in separate window, click title bar at top of video box)

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