Monday, March 12, 2018

Shane’s Gold

In addition to being a good summation of what Shane MacGowan was up to in the ‘90s (after the Pogues fired him), The Rare Oul’ Stuff  is a bawdy, amiable party album sure to please Pogues fans. More rock than jig, the songs on this compilation flow together like a river of whiskey with MacGowan’s playful charisma the star of the show (you’ll even forgive his attempt at a Christmas croon, proceeds of which Shane says were donated to children’s charities). (Note: Spotify doesn’t have his cover of Neil Diamond’s “Cracklin’ Rosie” but you can find it on my Youtube playlist.)

MacGowan is no fool- he wrote most of these songs- and The Rare Oul’ Stuff will definitely turn your next cèilidh into a Celtic rock party (just keep in mind Shane is prone to spouting expletives after a few drinks, though you may not understand what he’s saying anyway). My only complaint with this package is it’s missing some of my favorite tracks from The Snake (“The Church of the Holy Spook”, “Haunted”) and one can’t help but wonder how much better the songs on this collection might have sounded with seven Pogues backing him instead of what- at times- sounds like a wedding band. You don’t have to drink to enjoy this album but it probably wouldn’t hurt either. Grade: B+

Shane's 60th birthday party (with Johnny Depp and the President of Ireland) 

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