“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
– C.S. Lewis, Mere ChristianityThe Smiths from Manchester, England were one of the biggest alternative bands of the ‘80s and mostly picked up fans by word of mouth and from the sharing of tapes and records. The pairing of Morrissey’s (at times) witty lyrics and Johnny Marr’s jangling guitar style helped give rise to a style of ‘80s and ’90s music called jangle pop which may have owed a debt to the bright, shimmering guitar sounds of ‘60s bands like the Byrds and the Beatles (though no one ever accused the Smiths or their legions of fans of being bright or shimmering). My first exposure to the Smiths was when I was 13 years old and a friend played me a cassette tape version of Louder Than Bombs. At that time I was musically transitioning from the Monkees to the Sex Pistols and while I liked a few of their songs, the Smiths just didn’t excite me.
When I got to high school there was no shortage of Smiths fans dressed in black and acting like they were carrying the pain of some secret, unrequited love- and enjoying every minute of it. Perhaps today’s teens might be shocked at the large number of Smiths songs where the protagonist does not get what he wants and so has to deal with pain and disappointment before coming to the sensible conclusion that there is another world. There must be. Over the years I’ve grown to like more of the Smiths’ music and my favorites usually involve Morrissey the Irish Catholic finding humor in tragedy- or gaining wisdom from a broken heart. Many Smiths songs might make for great country recordings by say George Jones (“Girlfriend in a Coma”, “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out”). Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!
01. The Smiths – “Ask” (1986)
02. The Smiths – “Girlfriend in a Coma” (1987)
03. The Smiths – “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out” (1986)
04. The Smiths – “Asleep” (1985)
05. The Smiths – “Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want” (1984)
06. The Smiths – “Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before” (1987)
07. The Smiths – “Rubber Ring” (1985)
08. The Smiths – “Reel Around the Fountain” (1984)
09. The Smiths – “This Charming Man” (1983)
10. The Smiths – “Frankly, Mr. Shankly” (1986)
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