Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Ska Revival!

While mostly a British affair with Jamaican roots, the ‘70s and ‘80s ska revival eventually spread to the U.S. where it became synonymous with ‘80s new wave until the ‘90s when a string of mostly forgettable "third wave" ska revival acts suddenly gained exposure riding on the coattails of alternative bands like Sublime, Rancid, and No Doubt and ska music enjoyed an improbable though brief wave of mainstream popularity before once again falling off the map at the turn of the century.

The Specials

Even though we lived in the suburbs, my friends and I were quite aware of the ska revival scene in New York City and we were always partial to local ska heroes the New York Citizens (I’m pretty sure I went to at least one of their shows in the early ‘90s, though finding copies of their early albums today can be quite difficult. I always enjoyed “Invisible Man”). To me, ska revival music represents racial harmony, having fun, and “skanking” with your friends on the dance floor. Still waiting for that fourth wave to come in. Here are some of my ska revival favorites. Enjoy!

The English Beat

01. Madness – “Our House” (1983)
02. Tim Armstrong – “Take This City” (2007)
03. The Selecter – “On My Radio (Live)” (1991)
04. Tim Armstrong – “Into Action” (2007)
05. New York Citizens – “Boxer Shorts (Live)” (1994)
06. The Specials – “Concrete Jungle” (1979)
07. Tim Armstrong – “Wake Up” (2007)
08. The Beat – “I Confess” (1982)
09. The Specials – “Skinhead Symphony: Long Shot Kick de Bucket / Liquidator / Skinhead Moon Stomp (Live)” (1979)
10. Madness – “Africa” (2009)
11. Bad Manners – “Skinhead Love Affair” (1992)
12. Bad Manners – “Mambo / Ska No. 8” (1992)
13. Madness – “My Girl” (1979)
14. The Specials – “Monkey Man” (1979)
15. Tim Armstrong – “Hold On” (2007)
16. The Beat – “Best Friend” (1980)
17. The Beat – “Save It for Later”  (1982)
18. New York Citizens – “Shut Up and Listen” (1990)

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