Saturday, January 27, 2018

More Songs About Nothing

Hard to believe this album was released 40 years ago. I don’t think I’ve listened to the whole thing since the late ‘90s but decided to revisit it this week before concluding my recent new wave kick (and now I remember why 20 years ago this album slipped to the bottom of music collection). While I’m sure it sounded new and radical to college kids and music critics in 1978, to me (in 2018) More Songs About Buildings and Food just sounds dated, makes me feel icky, and doesn’t really have much to say (and if someone needs to explain to me why I should like this album then it is no longer music- it’s work).

The opening track is okay but I find the paranoid, herky-jerky sounds that follow mostly unlistenable. Things get better on the last four songs which are kind of funky in a robotic sort of way. The Al Green cover, “Take Me to the River”- which sounds almost human- is still the highlight of an otherwise inhuman album which- if it is meant to be some kind of artistic experiment (dance music that no human being can possibly dance to)- then perhaps it is successful, but as music I just don't dig it. Why do I get the feeling that if Talking Heads read this album review then they would agree with everything I’ve just written? Am I missing something? Were they out to destroy music with this album? Grade: C-

Listen to the playlist on Spotify... 

... or check out song from the playlist on YouTube

(To open music in separate window, click title bar at top of video box)

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